Technician working on furnace

Become a member for just $20.24/mo for the first year*

Promo code: ehccur

Pay $0 at time of service • Unlimited service • Online scheduling • Annual maintenance for furnace & air conditioner

*Offer expires Sept 15, 2024. Requires enrollment in the Essential HomeCare plan for $20.24/mo per system for 1st year. In month 13 the cost will auto-renew at $24.95/mo per system. See complete details for, limitations, and exclusions. 10% discount applied on ACH payments only.

Essential homecare icon

Indianapolis – Essential HomeCare - EHCCUR


  • One Ultimate Tune-Up & Safety Inspection Annually
  • Comprehensive Parts & Labor Protection Plan for Your Furnace & Air Conditioner*
  • Priority Service
  • $0 Diagnostic Fee
  • $1500.00 Loyalty Reward Toward System Replacement
  • Includes the replacement of customer supplied furnace filters
Number of systems
Number of humidifiers